Amazon Butterfly Species Guidebook

Butterflies are an important indicator for maintaining healthy ecosystems and are a critically important part of conservation and management practices in the area.

An alliance of public and private institutions led by GTE and the industry group National Business Association of Colombia (ANDI), completed a study on the diversity of butterflies to better understand the role conservation, preservation and educational initiatives play in protecting the Andean-Amazonian piedmont region.

La Gran Tierra de las Mariposas (The Great Land of Butterflies) includes photographs of 250 species of diurnal butterflies. The alliance is also working on additional monitoring, educational, regulatory and community initiatives.

This study and cataloguing are a significant step in developing management and conservation practices for these species with high potential for scientific research and tourism.

“Butterflies are widely accepted as a key bioindicator due to their sensitivity to changes in air and water quality. The presence of butterflies in Putumayo indicates the continuing health of local ecosystems. The Butterfly guidebook helps local community members gain a deeper understanding of the natural environment in the richly biodiverse ecosystems as well as GTE’s commitment to preserving the environment.”