Gran Tierra Energy is committed to providing meaningful opportunities for economic growth, community development, prioritizing local goods and services and maximizing our social and environmental investments through our philosophy of working Beyond Compliance. We attach great importance to the Company’s approach to managing Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) factors that are material to the business.
The following reports highlight our transparent strategies to protect the environment, support local communities, and operate in a responsible way.
Sustainability Reports
Sustainability Report

GTE is committed to sustainable activities wherever the Company operates by providing meaningful training and employment opportunities, a preference for local goods and services, and by investing voluntarily in social and environmental projects.
This is a fundamental philosophy that we align with the priorities of local and national governments for peace and stability that prioritize strengthening local economies, entrepreneurship, housing and incomes unrelated to the oil industry.
- Economy Data
INDICATOR UNITS 2020 2021 2022 2023 Economic Value Generated and Distributed1,2 millions of $ 299.2 488.6 789.0 748.0 Payments to Suppliers, Contractors and Other Third Parties2 millions of $ 181.2 218.5 522.0 452.0 Payments to Governments (Taxes, Royalties)2 millions of $ 53.0 151.9 314.0 274.0 Payments to Employees (Salaries and Benefits)2 millions of $ 18.9 18.6 20.0 23.0 Investment in Communities2 millions of $ 4.1 5.2 8.0 11.0 Payments to Providers of Capital (Debt, Interest, Dividends)2 millions of $ 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Social Investment2 millions of $ 1.9 4.6 5.1 6.5 Temporary Local Employment2 contracts 3,697 3,200 4,578 5,748 Spending on Suppliers (Colombia and Ecuador)2 millions of $ 175.8 212.8 295.6 459.8 Regional2 millions of $ 30.6 33.9 40.5 103.8 Country2 millions of $ 142.5 175.5 247.8 353.1 International2 millions of $ 2.7 3.3 7.3 2.9
- Human Resources Data
INDICATOR UNITS 2020 2021 2022 2023 Total Number of Employees count 322 319 336 352 Female count 121 122 125 128 Male count 201 197 211 223 Employees in Each Country Colombia count 226 228 235 235 Canada count 95 90 96 94 Ecuador count 1 1 5 23 Employees Covered by Collective Bargaining Agreements % 0 0 0 0 Rate of New Employee Hires (Colombia and Canada) % 2.5 3.8 11.0 12.0 Voluntary Turnover Rates (Colombia and Canada) % 3.4 5.8 4.2 4.0 Total Number of Hours of Training in the year (Colombia and Ecuador)2 hours 1,851 1,865 5,551 8,721 Average Hours of Training per Year per Employee (Colombia Only) hours/person 8 8.2 23.5 36.5 Female hours/person 77 10 60 90 Male hours/person 53 7 38 61 Average Age of Employees (Colombia) years 41 40 41 42 Average Age of Employees (Canada) years 45 45 46 46 Average Age of Employees (Ecuador) years N/A N/A 46 37
- Safety Data
Indicator UNITS 2020 2021 2022 2023 Employee and Contractor Safety2 per 200,000 exposure hours Lost Time Injury Frequency - Combined2 0.00 0.02 0.06 0.00 Recordable Injury Frequency - Combined2 0.08 0.07 0.08 0.04 Recordable Injury Frequency - Employees2 0 0 0 0 Recordable Injury Frequency - Contractors2 0.08 0.07 0.08 0.04 Lost Time Injury Frequency - Employees2 0 0 0 0 Lost Time Injury Frequency - Contractors2 0.08 0.02 0.06 0.00 Fatalities - Employees2 count 0 0 0 0 Fatalities - Contractors2 count 0 0 0 0 Hours Worked2 hours 7,729,973 9,297,751 10,038,299 10,563,154 Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness2 Safety Inspections Conducted2 count 2,888 3,270 7,185 5,490 Number of Emergency Simulations (Tabletop and In-person)2 count 250 345 408 487
- Environment Data
INDICATOR UNITS 2020 2021 2022 2023 Total Number of Spill Incidents (Colombia and Ecuador)2 count 75 54 81 59 Contained Discharges2 count 70 45 58 55 Environmental Incidents2 count 3 5 16 3 Oil or Chemical Spills < 1 bbl2 count 1 4 7 1 Oil or Chemical Spills > 1 bbl2 count 1 0 0 0 Spills caused by third parties (vandalism, theft, or tanker truck accidents) count 0 0 0 8 Volume of Spills3 m3 18.88 9.3 11.2 5.0 Percentage of Spills Recovered2 % 100 100 100 100 Aggregate Quantity of Significant or Reportable Spills2 m3 8 0 0 0 Water Withdrawal2 thousand m3 751.86 842.22 1,150.31 1,280.27 Water from Rivers and Creeks2 thousandm3 612.73 605.26 854.81 949.11 Water from Third Parties2 thousand m3 115.02 197.26 276.54 311.08 Water from Wells2 thousand m3 24.11 39.70 18.96 20.08 Water Discharged2,4 thousand m3 280.12 82.02 84.56 58.57 Other Water-related Measures Produced Water2 thousand m3 3,551.39 6,028.51 8,918.41 11,142.98 Water Injected into Active Wells thousand m3 3,899.18 6,070.88 8,622.08 10,804.15 Non-Enterprise Water Consumption (Head Office) thousand m3 1.41 1.41 3.10 2.99 Total Water Consumed thousand m3 472.74 760.19 1,065.75 1,221.71 Total GHG Emissions (CO2E)2,5 metric tonnes CO2E 284,123 294,934 392,374 450,519 Scope 12 metric tonnes CO2E 169,712 197,447 258,406 273,975 Scope 22 metric tonnes CO2E 78,411 97,487 133,968 176,544 Regulatory Compliance Number of Inspections by Authorities2 count 37 48 88 64 Number of Findings and Non-Compliances2 count 24 0 6 4 Number of Findings that Resulted in Fines or Non-Monetary Sanctions2 count 0 0 0 0 Incidents of Non-compliance with Water Quality or
Quantity Permits, Standards, or Regulations2count 0 0 0 0 Total Waste2 tonnes 1,185 1,472 1,880 5,541 Hazardous Waste (as defined in the Country)2 tonnes 238 590 1,439 5,226 Non-Hazardous Waste2 tonnes 947 882 441 305 Non-Hazardous Waste Include Percentage of Waste Recycled2 % 76 62 36 7 Non-Hazardous Waste Include Percentage of Waste Incinerated2 % 0 0 0 0 Non-Hazardous Waste Include Percentage of Waste Landfilled2 % 24 38 64 93 Energy Derived from Renewable and Non-Renewable Sources kWh 155,587,108 189,396,548 257,075,796 325,070,749 Energy Purchased kWh 27,722,893 25,925,823 29,377,750 32,681,004 Total Electrical Power kWh 183,301,001 215,322,371 286,453,546 357,751,753 Percentage of Consumed Energy from the Grid % 15.1 12.0 10.3 9.1
- Communities and Human Rights Data
INDICATOR UNITS 2020 2021 2022 2023 Total Number of Grievances2 count 217 961 1,485 1,461 Resolved2 count 217 961 1,485 1,461 In Progress2 count 0 0 0 0 Grievances by Type/Subject2 Labour Practices2 count 75 166 286 230 Environmental Impacts2 count 1 53 105 119 Procurement of Goods and Services2 count 95 139 177 165 Land Access2 count 5 26 22 30 Human Rights2 count 0 0 0 1 Other Causes (Impacts on Third Parties, Infrastructure)2 count 41 577 895 916 Total Number of Active Prior Consultations count 4 13 16 13 Total Number of Prior Consulations Concluded count 0 3 7 3 Number of Ethnic Communities Consulted count 4 13 16 13
All monetary values are in USD. Figures may differ slightly due to rounding.
- Total includes all Capex, Opex, G&A, Acquisitions, Taxes and Royalties in 2023.
- Data indicators are combined for both Ecuador and Colombia where available.
- Includes the volumes from incident discharges and contained discharges.
- No untreated wastewater is discharged.
- Calculations are made under Operational Control Boundary.

SASB Report

ESTMA Reports
Forced Labour Report
Our Approach to Responsible Sustainability
Creating long-term value & delivering on our environmental, social & governance commitments
ESTMA Reporting
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