Emissions Reduction: Reporting

Gran Tierra Energy’s environmental policy calls for the Company to track its greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and take steps to reduce them wherever economically feasible.

Gran Tierra continues to voluntarily retain a respected expert in the field of air quality, to create an assessment of its greenhouse gas emissions in Colombia and Ecuador. This assessment involves collecting, analyzing and quantifying annual air emissions data from GTE’s operations. It was conducted according to the guidelines and standards adopted by the following organizations: International Petroleum Industry Environmental Conservation Association (IPIECA), International Association of Oil and Gas Producers (IOGP), American Petroleum Industry (API), U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers (CAPP) and Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). Since 2016, the Company has also reported to the Carbon Disclosure Project.

An updated assessment using 2022 air emissions data has been released. View the Greenhouse Gas & Air Quality Report here.

Electrical Power Use

In 2023, 68% of the total energy used in Gran Tierra’s total operations was generated through the Gas-to-Power projects. GTE’s energy consumption from the municipal grid has decreased by 50% since 2018. The Company continues to develop Gas-to-Power projects to decrease its use of electrical power from the local grid.

MONO ARAÑA6479,34117,745,000$59,006
LOS ANGELES7836,61216,609,000$107,331
View Footnotes

1) TRM=$USD 4,100.

2) Savings calculated from gas generation Vs National Power Grid 640-256=384 COP/kWh (0,09366 USD/kWh). – CYC

3) Savings calculated from gas generation cost 581 COP/kWh (0,14171). In 2023, MQT G2P is exclusively used as generation support when occurs a failure in the national grid. For that reason there is not a cost associated to G2P. – MQT

4) Savings calculated from gas generation Vs Diesel generation 780-243=537 COP/kWh (0, 13098 USD/kWh). – ACR

5) Savings calculated from gas generation Vs Diesel generation 751-256=495 COP/kWh (0,1207USD/kWh). – VNU

6) Savings calculated from gas generation Vs Diesel generation 1657-1152=505 COP/kWh (0,12317USD/kWh). – MAR

7) Savings calculated from gas generation Vs Diesel generation 744-218=526 COP/kWh (0,12828USD/kWh). – LAN

8) Savings calculated from gas generation Vs Diesel generation 1168-714=454 COP/kWh (0,11073USD/kWh). – CHB

9) Savings calculated from gas generation Vs National Power Grid 1024-744=280 COP/kWh (0,06829USD/kWh). – JGL