Gran Tierra in My Community

GTE regularly hosts a variety of community-based activities to strengthen ties with communities, leaders, and institutions in the areas where Gran Tierra operates. The events cover a wide variety of topics, including operational, educational and cultural.

In 2023, more than 11,000 men, women and children participated in games, arts and crafts, theatre, dance, movie productions, and community lunches—all at events organized and hosted by GTE in collaboration with local artists. Designed to strengthen bonds with local communities, leaders, and institutions in Putumayo, Cauca, Santander, and Cesar departments, GTE In My Community (GTE En Mi Comunidad) hosted recreational and educational activities with themes that reinforced shared values, healthy coexistence, and the value of living in community.

These events are also part of Colombia’s national “Brujula” program which instills principles of personal, family, and social coexistence. Out of more than three hundred participating municipalities, the program in Rio Negro which is focused on victims of violence and has been supported by GTE, was recognized as one of the top 20 in Colombia by Colombian NGO Corporacion Juego y Ninez (Game and Childhood Corporation).

“GTE has always been a good neighbour, treating our requests seriously and never closing its doors to us. They have gone far beyond what was expected, and if it wasn’t for their support, we wouldn’t be able to carry out these projects. As a result, the quality of life here has improved a lot.”