HSE’s Safe Driving Program

GTE works hard to eliminate unsafe conditions and practices at all of its facilities to protect workers and maintain the integrity of its operations. Once produced, the Company’s crude is sold on site or transported to a different location for sale, often by road on trucks. This means that thousands of truck trips, often hundreds of kilometres long on a variety of roads, are necessary. All drivers transporting GTE’s crude work for independent trucking contractors. Driving simulators have been added to the Safe Driving Program and is required for all drivers. The HSE driving plan is a multifaceted process which includes upgrading roads, making them safe for everyone to drive on.

Driving on Colombia’s roads brings a number of factors into the safety equation, including vehicle maintenance, road conditions, weather, pedestrians, animals, motorcycles and other vehicle drivers. To manage these risks, GTE’s Health, Safety and Environment Department (HSE) has developed a comprehensive driving plan that, added to their existing training, better prepares drivers for all of these factors.

GTE’s driving plan contains a number of focus areas, including:

  • Driver and instructor training
  • Detailed planning before each trip
  • Use of an in-vehicle monitoring system to improve driving behaviour
  • Random in-route audits to identify improvement and non-compliance
  • Road hazard assessments
  • Self-assessments for drivers