“The Chawar Project is an example of an oil company trying to have a real conversation with the environmental sector and big picture thinking about transitioning towards sustainability.”
“Gran Tierra has been very supportive and collaborative with our municipality regarding infrastructure, transportation, and technology. The training, support and workshops for the teachers and students that were part of PetrolCopa were very positive.”
“GTE has always been a good neighbour, treating our requests seriously and never closing its doors to us. They have gone far beyond what was expected, and if it wasn’t for their support, we wouldn’t be able to carry out these projects. As a result, the quality of life here has improved a lot.”
“GTE has been a strategic ally to the government of Putumayo in its efforts to support our producers. Successful projects like AgroEmprende are important models that help us attract additional public-private initiatives. The Company’s efforts to help develop local infrastructure like roads is connected with its entrepreneurial and agricultural projects, which taken together are very important in territories where development is lagging.”
“This effort shows that if the private and public sectors join forces to look for solutions to meet the needs of the communities, we can have success, and GTE has been an important teammate in this journey to build a sustainable and lasting economy.”
“GTE’s contributions to our community have made it into an incredible partner for us, and now we are seeing results materialize. Our municipality is stronger as a result of the dialogue, agreements and social endeavours that we have worked on together.”
“Since my family started our business in 1995 as a simple transportation company, we’ve grown into other sectors, including oil transportation. Gran Tierra’s clear communications, guidance and training has helped us easily integrate with the Company, and their support has helped us improve our own processes.”
“The support GTE has provided to local businesses, including its Key Partners program, has given us an opportunity to find success as entrepreneurs.”
“People often simply throw their used cooking oil away which can pollute the water and soil. We wanted to do something that would make a difference, environmentally, socially and healthwise, and that’s where the idea for this business came from. The people at Emprender+[(GTE’s popular entrepreneurship-centred social investment program] really took me by the hand and dedicated their time to help me understand all the factors that go into the business which was a big reason for our success.”