“I don’t know how to read or write, but I know business, numbers and shoes. Emprender+ taught me how to better organize and analyse my business. I hope that someday I can help other entrepreneurs open their own businesses.”

“Our work to guarantee Human Rights is life-saving work. Many social leaders, including ourselves, face threats, and GTE’s support of Human Rights work within the territories is highly impactful. It’s clear the Company is interested in supporting regional stability and facilitating better relationships.”

“Emprender+ made me decide to start my own business and gave me what I needed to start farming my first hectare of rice. We thank GTE for staying present and doing important things with the community.”

“The training we received has given us what we need to begin to plant, maintain and harvest our cacao more productively. It’s early in the process, but I’m already implementing the new techniques and I’m confident they will be beneficial.”