Supporting our Stakeholders with Human Rights Training

One of the main pillars of GTE’s Human Rights work involves integrating its policies and concepts into its business. This effort requires extensive training with internal stakeholders to ensure they understand and adhere to the Company’s policies which are designed to protect rights.

This includes:

  • Environmental management and licensing, including rights to land, water, and other natural resources.
  • Health and Safety, including the right to life, physical integrity and security.
  • Social freedom, including rights to protest and exercise legal rights.

Training sessions for a variety of external stakeholders focus on fundamental Human Rights concepts as well as GTE’s policies and scope of responsibility to the community. These sessions look at GTE’s Human Rights best practices and showcase the overall strategy for addressing and managing any Human Rights issues.

“Effective Human Rights work takes time and effort, and must filter throughout the entire organization from senior management to the workers on the ground.”